MI Smile Journey team

These Are Not Your Parents’ Braces

Posted on April 27, 2022

If the idea of getting braces for your child or yourself brings up scary images of ugly wires and cumbersome devices, you may be surprised. Orthodontic treatment has improved greatly over the past several decades. You now have more options than your parents could have dreamed about. 

Lighter Materials

Traditional wire braces are now made of thinner, lighter stainless steel compared to the past, yet they are still just as strong and effective. They are smaller and more comfortable on your teeth, and they’re less likely to rub or cause sores on your tongue or the insides of your cheek. They are also easier for the orthodontist to tighten and adjust. 

There are also braces made from ceramic or a combination of ceramic and metal. The ceramic is clear or colored to match your teeth. This makes their appearance less noticeable, which is an advantage for teens or adults who may feel self-conscious. 

More Options

Many teens like to personalize their wire braces by choosing brightly colored elastics. These can be used in any color combination. Some people choose their school colors, whereas others may opt to change their colors with the season. You can change colors each time you go in for an adjustment.

Another option your parents might not have had is Invisalign. These clear, removable aligners can straighten your teeth comfortably and effectively. Since they are nearly invisible to the casual viewer, they don’t change your appearance. 

Faster Straightening

Whether you choose wire braces or Invisalign, you’ll be glad to know that today’s tooth straightening methods are faster than generations ago. Advanced technology has made fittings more precise and more comfortable. Adjustments may also be faster and easier.

The length of time it takes to straighten your teeth depends on your individual situation. It can range anywhere from 6 months to more than 2 years. On average, braces need to be worn for 18 to 24 months for full effectiveness.

Overall, getting your teeth straightened today is a much more comfortable and effective process than your parents and grandparents might have experienced. And, orthodontic methods and materials continue to improve. If you think you may need treatment, explore your options and talk to your orthodontist about your concerns.

If you live in Saginaw or Frankenmuth and you’re considering braces for yourself or your child, click here to learn about your options


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Great Orthodontics With
MI Smile Journey Orthodontics

Saginaw Orthodontics Office
5355 N Colony Dr.
Saginaw, MI
(989) 792-7056

Frankenmuth Orthodontics Office
123 Churchgrove St.
Frankenmuth, MI
(989) 792-7056

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